Dear Friends,
Happy New Year and Greetings to you all 🙏. I can not believe we are already in 2020. In life when we go through difficult times, you see the people who have good intentions for you and who loves you. I want to say Thank you for your love and support. Our life is very important to us but we are never happy if our loved ones are not happy, especially our children. Human beings can not be blessed with happiness without community. It is very easy to seek negative things in life. Sadness and happiness can only be experienced when it appears in our life simultaneously.
Finding the positive builds possibilities which transform Life. Our human existence is dominated by self awareness, seeing ourselves in relationship to everything around us – both people and circumstances. Unless we view life in the context of unity, we will constantly be in a state veering between defense and attack. Only through Yoga practice we can live in higher consciousness and value and contribute to the welfare of humanity.
Again wishing everyone Good luck for the New year and lots of Love.
With Love and Gratitude,