My heartfelt gratitude to you for bringing to us all the gift of your wisdom and loving-kindness. Thank you personally for assisting me with breaking further through some of the obstacles that I create in my mind. After your retreat at Tranquil Point, I feel that anything is possible, and I can now see just how far I have come so far, with my dedication to self-healing, and for helping others to find their way also.
Attending your retreat at Tranquil Point was for me a sense of coming “full circle” into my path of learning and self-development, and gave me a sense of how I can now integrate all the modalities of learning that I have been drawn to, as indeed, everything is connected. Learning more about the philosophy and psychology of our yoga practice has given me further insight and inspiration to infuse into my daily practice. Now, I remind myself every day to “Breathe” and “Trust the process” – my new beautiful mantras inside and outside of the hotroom.