
Happy Summer

Hello everyone, Happy Summer. When we can visit our families without testing we shouldn’t forget the older ones with delicate immune systems.
I just got back after a long awaiting trip with my daughter from London. This was the trip I decided not to participate in any yoga teachings and simply enjoy it like a real vacation.

After going through a difficult transition, my perspective on life has changed so much. Specifically, being a yoga teacher during the pandemic lead to many hardships. I forgot to live my life and realized that my mindset has changed. We are still worried about the joy of living life freely. Living a normal life with financial hardship takes away all the freedom and brings pressure. I constantly think about tomorrow with doubt and planning. Now I returned and looked back and thought I was waiting for the moment to flourish but unseen worries took the way that time.
Time is very precious as long we are here together and health permits having fun.
This year we are celebrating yoga for humanity which holds heavy responsibility for each other. In our community or our home, there is a responsibility and when we represent ourselves in the public world whatever we do there is a commitment. Human values and societies encourage people to act in a kind and sympathetic way toward others, even toward people they do not agree with or like.
The philosophy of Yoga and the practice of Asanas and breathing teaches us what and how to breathe in and out in a crisis. Then we create that connection in our body and mind where the soul flourishes.

Being human means we have developed brains and emotions. Thoughts, feelings, weaknesses, or errors are typical of humans rather than machines. By practicing yoga we can acknowledge that we’re made from the earth and will return to the earth.
I hope you all have a fun and safe summer.





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If you sign up for “All Session” at $50 than you will get a complimentary 40 mins Meditation on May 15th Sunday.

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By registering for virtual yoga classes via Zoom or any other online platform or in person class or any event by rajashree, I acknowledge that yoga is a physical discipline that requires a certain amount of mental concentration and physical strength and endurance. I agree to work according to my own limitations; take full responsibility for my own safety and well-being; and release Rajashree from any liability associated with her yoga instruction. Furthermore, I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes exposes me to a possible risk of personal injury. I am fully aware of this risk and hereby release Rajashree and/or Awakened Recovery from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected with my participation in yoga. My signature further acknowledges that I shall not now, or at any time in the future, bring any legal action against Rajashree and/or Rajashree Choudhury; and that this waiver is binding on me, my heirs, my spouse, my children, my legal representatives, my successors and my assigns. My registration via Zoom or any other online platform verifies that I am physically fit to participate in yoga classes and a licensed medical doctor has verified my physical condition for participation in this type of class. My registration via Zoom or any other online platform is binding to this liability waiver from this day forth.

Drop in at Yoga college of India Encino,
17200 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 307A
Encino, CA 91316

Online link will be shared one hour before the class.