Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself, why am I here? We are all here for an individual need, a divine purpose. For the past decade I have grown with all of you. We are connected through Bikram Yoga. It is through the yoga we have become more empowered. We are a community of practitioners.
As yoga practitioners we are more open to life’s evolution. We are receptive to the universal possibilities of oneness. We as a community must maintain the thought of moving forward on our own personal journey. We cannot look at any individual and allow them to determine what and who we are. We must dig inside of ourselves and find our true purpose and help one another when we can.
Let us recognize the gift we have within our yoga community. We are blessed to have people from all over the world who practice. We can learn so much from each other. Let us share our journeys and as we learn that we are all connected we will begin to realize, we are truly all the same at the core of our essence. As practitioners we should work at keeping our community strong and united, acknowledging our differences and embracing our alikeness.
Some of us come to yoga from very stressful situations, others come to find a deeper harmony within their lives. Whatever the reason that draws us to yoga, we should embrace it, go within our practice and find that peaceful place. The place where we are so open that we will know, we will grasp the true meaning of our lives.
No matter if you are seeking Love, Happiness, God or your Guru, remember we are all of one life. We are all made in the image and likeness of God and we all have a purpose. Allow yourself to know yours. Live it, breath it, be it. Let us live life with no judgement. TO BE CONTINUED….
With Infinite love.